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Re: [Handle-info] Loading Handle source code in Eclipse

You may wish to configure (perhaps project-specific) warnings to exclude generics warnings; certain parts of the Handle codebase predate Java 5.

It seems very likely to me that CNRI would require a copyright assignment to accept a patch.  If you are willing to do that, CNRI probably would, but I would have to discuss with our lawyer of course.  More importantly, there have been substantial changes to the code since 7.3.1, and it is quite possible that extensive patches based on 7.3.1 will be too much work for us to integrate.

HSv8 will ship in spring 2015.  You may wish to wait until then.  If you are very interested on working on this before then, and if you have signed the Handle System Service Agreement (required to run a handle server for public resolution), then I could investigate whether we can get you a beta.  Let me know.


On 2014-10-21, at 10:49 , Ben Companjen <ben.companjen@dans.knaw.nl> wrote:

> Thank you, Robert.
> With your instructions and a bit of common sense, I managed to get rid
> of the build problems. I forgot to mention I'm on Mac OSX 10.8 (so
> anyone trying to replicate my efforts on different platforms might find
> things are a bit different).
> What I did to get it all working:
> - moved the src folder to the top level
> - removed the SigarWrapper.java file
> - removed the sigar.jar reference from build.xml
> - removed the JAVA_SRC variable and replaced it by an Eclipse reference
> to the system's JRE (1.7)
> - downloaded JDK 7 EE from Oracle and extracted the zip file to a known
> folder (~/Applications/glassfish4)
> - added
> ~/Applications/glassfish4/glassfish/modules/javax.servlet-api.jar to the
> build path as an external JAR
> - git clone https://github.com/maxmind/geoip-api-java.git to ~/git
> - cd ~/git/geoip-api-java
> - mvn package
> - add ~/git/geoip-api-java/target/geoip-api-1.2.15-SNAPSHOT.jar to the
> build path
> - smile, because the build problems went away :)
> - see Eclipse find 1400+ Java problems (references to raw types and dead
> code are in the first 100 warnings)
> Would you accept patches?
> Ben
> Robert R Tupelo-Schneck schreef op 21-10-14 om 15:59:
>> When you unzip src.zip, unzip it directly into the top level of the hsj-7.3.1 distribution.  "unzip src.zip" at a command line should have the desired effect.  After this "src" and "lib" should be siblings.
>> Delete src/net/handle/server/SigarWrapper.java.   Its presence in the distribution is a packaging error.
>> "ant bindist" is the command to use to build the server distribution.
>> Indeed, the error logging in the handle server could be much improved.  I fully expect CNRI to work on that, but it is only marginally improved in HSv8 which should be coming in spring 2015.  So a wholesale reworking of it will not come until HSv9.
>> Robert
>> On 2014-10-21, at 08:16 , Ben Companjen <ben.companjen@dans.knaw.nl> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to "create a new project using the existing Ant build.xml
>>> file" in the Handle Server software v7.3.1 in Eclipse 4. It successfully
>>> loads the Ant file, but gives a lot of errors about unresolvable types.
>>> It seems the libraries are on a different relative path than the Ant
>>> file specifies (Eclipse looks at ${top}/src/lib instead of ${top}/lib)
>>> and sigar.jar is not in the distribution. Also, there are imports from
>>> Java EE (javax.servlet), although I had only expected Java SE dependencies.
>>> Running `ant` on the commandline in the src folder containing build.xml
>>> fails because of the missing sigar classes.
>>> How can I load the code and build in Eclipse?
>>> (My goal is to take a better look at the logging. We have a Handle
>>> service in production, but the error.log-* files do not even have a
>>> timestamp on each line. Will this be fixed by CNRI?)
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ben Companjen
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