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Re: [Handle-info] Loading Handle source code in Eclipse

When you unzip src.zip, unzip it directly into the top level of the hsj-7.3.1 distribution.  "unzip src.zip" at a command line should have the desired effect.  After this "src" and "lib" should be siblings.

Delete src/net/handle/server/SigarWrapper.java.   Its presence in the distribution is a packaging error.

"ant bindist" is the command to use to build the server distribution.

Indeed, the error logging in the handle server could be much improved.  I fully expect CNRI to work on that, but it is only marginally improved in HSv8 which should be coming in spring 2015.  So a wholesale reworking of it will not come until HSv9.


On 2014-10-21, at 08:16 , Ben Companjen <ben.companjen@dans.knaw.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to "create a new project using the existing Ant build.xml
> file" in the Handle Server software v7.3.1 in Eclipse 4. It successfully
> loads the Ant file, but gives a lot of errors about unresolvable types.
> It seems the libraries are on a different relative path than the Ant
> file specifies (Eclipse looks at ${top}/src/lib instead of ${top}/lib)
> and sigar.jar is not in the distribution. Also, there are imports from
> Java EE (javax.servlet), although I had only expected Java SE dependencies.
> Running `ant` on the commandline in the src folder containing build.xml
> fails because of the missing sigar classes.
> How can I load the code and build in Eclipse?
> (My goal is to take a better look at the logging. We have a Handle
> service in production, but the error.log-* files do not even have a
> timestamp on each line. Will this be fixed by CNRI?)
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Ben Companjen
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