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Re: [Handle-info] Re: Permissions Not Implemented?

On Feb 9, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Hammond, Tony wrote:

Just to note regarding this observation about HS permissions that I am using
HS 6.2.3. (I tried downloading 6.2.5 but the file permissions are all messed
up, though don't expect there to be any substantial change between the two
minor code versions.)

Also, as noted in my reply to Giridhar [1] there are also discrepancies in
the pre-defined HS_* types between the RFC and the Java distro.

Would be useful to get some comments here from the authors.

Hi Tony,

You are right that there is a difference between the RFC and the java implementation as regards the PUBLIC_EXECUTE, ADMIN_EXECUTE and LIST_NA permissions. The *_EXECUTE permissions were originally placeholders for a feature that wasn't completely designed and, IMHO, probably never will be.

The LIST_NA permissions should have been left out because it is an attribute of the server administrator and is therefore set in the server configuration file - not any prefix or service handle.


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