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Re: [Handle-info] Re: Permissions Not Implemented?
Thanks Sean for the confirmation (and explanation).
Might it not be appropriate now to consider issuing a revised RFC at some
point (hopefuly soon) to firm up the current position of the HS? These diffs
(as well as the type diffs which I also questioned) could be taken care of
in some kind of 5-year overhaul of the RFC. (And note that some standards
e.g. NISO have a 5-year review.)
And another open question, which I hate to mention, but it's still open -
and therefore fair game, is about a native URI scheme for handle, or URN
namespace if that's preferred - or both (there is a precedent, I think, but
can't remember off the top of my head).
I know that a "doi:" registration is likely deferring to an eventual ISO
imprimatur on the DOI System, but not sure that that has any direct bearing
on handle. I wonder if it might be appropriate to consider the bundling of a
URI scheme specification (or URN) together with any revised RFC spec, rather
than being undertaken as a separate business (which will only draw flak and
grief and "woe is us"). Other protocols - notably HTTP (RC 2616) - are
responsible for declaring their own URI schemes. Seems to me this could be
the right opportunity to deftly tuck that away in some kind of appendix.
There has already been a relaxing of the URI registration stranglehold
(witness "info"). And may be better to get in before the "linked data" wave
converges all to HTTP.
My clear preference would be a native URI scheme. URN is so yesterday. :)
On 11/2/08 16:58, "Sean Reilly" <sreilly@cnri.reston.va.us> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Hammond, Tony wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Just to note regarding this observation about HS permissions that I
>> am using
>> HS 6.2.3. (I tried downloading 6.2.5 but the file permissions are
>> all messed
>> up, though don't expect there to be any substantial change between
>> the two
>> minor code versions.)
>> Also, as noted in my reply to Giridhar [1] there are also
>> discrepancies in
>> the pre-defined HS_* types between the RFC and the Java distro.
>> Would be useful to get some comments here from the authors.
> Hi Tony,
> You are right that there is a difference between the RFC and the java
> implementation as regards the PUBLIC_EXECUTE, ADMIN_EXECUTE and
> LIST_NA permissions. The *_EXECUTE permissions were originally
> placeholders for a feature that wasn't completely designed and, IMHO,
> probably never will be.
> The LIST_NA permissions should have been left out because it is an
> attribute of the server administrator and is therefore set in the
> server configuration file - not any prefix or service handle.
> Thanks,
> Sean
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