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Re: [Handle-info] Creating a test handle server
Your DSpace install includes a handle server, generally under the directory /dspace/handle-server. The configuration of the server (in the file /dpsace/handle-server/config.dct) specifies that storage is controlled by DSpace, and DSpace's start-handle-server script guarantees that the DSpace code is available to do that.
You can edit your config.dct at any time to give it independent control of stored handle records. Note that you would then have to recreate all the DSpace handles.
That said, it might be easiest to install a new handle server from scratch. You could continue to use your same prefix. You could also get a test prefix from CNRI.
Either way, you should get the latest handle software distribution from www.handle.net, as the one bundled with DSpace is rather old. In fact, we expect the new v8 to finally be publicly released next week, so consider waiting for that.
Also, please let us know if you might be interested in using a handle-record-hosting service, instead of running a handle server yourself. CNRI is not set up to do that today, but is looking into it.
Let us know if you have further questions!
> On 2015-12-02, at 11:47, Scott, Dwight M. <scott.1379@osu.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m looking for information on how to locally set up a handle system server for testing with an existing prefix. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction? More info of what I’m trying to achieve is below.
> We currently have a dspace install that, ideally we’d like to have it stop creating handles and “replace” it with a dedicated handle server. This way we can have other applications interface with the dedicated handle server and completely bypassing whatever dspace has going on. Hopefully that makes some sense and hopefully someone can help!
> I’m new to the world of handle servers, as if it wasn’t already evident.
> Thanks!
> Dwight Scott
> Web Applications Developer
> The Ohio State University
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