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Re: [Handle-info] Resolution statistics
This is something we are discussing, although it's too early in that process to make any predictions about when such a service might be available.
The information that you can get from your handle server should be available in the access.log files, so changing the storage module shouldn't be necessary in general. But, as you have noted, information such as client location and referrer is not available to the handle server, and information about resolutions in cache at hdl.handle.net is never available. When you also have the web server of the redirection URLs, you can get all that information I believe, although you can not distinguish which requests came via handle resolution.
> On 2015-10-27, at 07:34, Jozef Misutka <misutka@ufal.mff.cuni.cz> wrote:
> Dear all,
> do you plan to offer handle resolution statistics from hdl.handle.net
> (or at least from one of the servers behind it)?
> We would be interested in the basics e.g., overall count, refer(r)er,
> country...
> At the moment, we are exploiting the HandleStorage interface to gather
> some count statistics but they are far from ideal because of TTL and
> missing information about the real request.
> We can improve it because most of the resolved URLs are hosted by us but
> it is far from ideal to measure the "impact" of using handles.
> Thank you.
> Best,
> Jozef
> Offtopic:
> Any new dates/estimates when the Handle Server 8 is going to be available?
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