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Re: [Handle-info] How many handle subscriptions?
One handle server can be used for multiple prefixes. You can use prefixes derived from your original prefix to avoid paying an extra registration fee; however each prefix will require an annual service fee.
From the handle point of view, it should be possible in principle for multiple DSpace instances to share a single handle prefix. I do not think any existing code in DSpace allows for that, however. Each DSpace instance will assume it has control over the entire space of identifiers under the prefix.
> On Oct 28, 2015, at 5:19 AM, Pablo J Rebollo Sosa <pablo.rebollo@upr.edu> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Our institution is interested to have multiple DSpace instances for different purposes. It’s no clear to me if each instance requires a separate handle subscription or if there is way to use one subscription for all of them.
> Best regards,
> Pablo J. Rebollo-Sosa
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