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Re: [Handle-info] not responding
This was an error made at CNRI in updating the DNS records, for which we apologize.
The problem could have been noticeable as early as 17:00 (-04:00 time zone) on September 4th, and was fixed within about an hour of Jozef Misutka's message (though with potential delays due to DNS propagation). Jozef, thank you for the alert.
Although Gerhard Gonter is correct that access to handle servers does not require http://hdl.handle.net, we absolutely intend for it to be a highly available service and that http://hdl.handle.net URLs be systematically usable. We are investigating ways to improve availability and prevent the occurrence of similar issues in the future.
> On Sep 7, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Gerhard Gonter <ggonter@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Jozef Misutka <misutka@ufal.mff.cuni.cz> wrote:
>> advertised for hdl.handle.net is approx. 12 hours down which
>> means cca 1/4 of handle requests fail.
> As far as I understand, the proxy at hdl.handle.net is just an add-on
> which is provided for convenience reasons. The real access protocol
> is the one that works on port 2641. These servers should be monitored
> but I personally have no reason to believe they are not.
> So, what's the deal with the proxy? Does it make sense to use
> hdl.handle.net URLs systematically like an URL redirector service? If
> this use case it might be useful to have more than three ipv4
> machines.
>> Please fix it.
> Since is within gwdg.de's address range, I add their
> hostmaster-address, maybe they can forward your request to a person
> who can fix that machine.
> GG
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