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Re: [Handle-info] Re: Errors in the log files for primary and mirror Handle servers v 7.3.1 11337


  You were correct, it was a NAGIOS monitoring that was not switched off that was filling the logs.

Thank you,

On May 19, 2014, at 10:26 AM, Evguenia Krylova <evguenia.krylova@doit.wisc.edu> wrote:

> Robert,
>  I just confirmed that replication between primary and mirror succeeds, and the logs still show the 
> error messages reported. I attach the logs you requested.
> Thank you,
> Ev
> Evguenia Krylova
> evguenia.krylova@doit.wisc.edu
> <11337_logs.tar>
> On May 19, 2014, at 10:07 AM, Robert R Tupelo-Schneck <schneck@cnri.reston.va.us> wrote:
>> Usually, errors like this indicate either transient network issues or requests that are not real handle requests (like port scanning).  In your case, because it is very regular and because it will fill up your logs, I'd like to try to figure out the source more precisely.  
>> Note that, because you say replication transactions succeed, I suspect there is not a communications problem between primary and mirror.  Also note that both primary and mirror are reporting problems processing incoming requests.
>> Could you send me a recent access.log and error.log for both primary and mirror?
>> Robert
>> On 2014-05-16, at 13:35 , Evguenia Krylova <evguenia.krylova@doit.wisc.edu> wrote:
>>> I have set up primary and mirror Handle servers for 11337 & 11337.DL prefixes under Handle v. 7.3.1.  
>>> The servers were setup from scratch using Handle v7.3.1 tools and use Postgres for handle datastore. 
>>> There’s no errors in the Postgres logs. 
>>> I can successfully list, create, edit, delete and resolve handles under these prefixes. I see that 
>>> replication transactions also succeed. 
>>> However, every 5 min I see these errors in the logs for primary:
>>> "2014-05-16 12:25:14.338-0500" 75 class net.handle.server.HdlTcpRequestHandler: Exception processing request: java.lang.Exception: Expecting 84 bytes, only received 0
>>> java.lang.Exception: Expecting 84 bytes, only received 0
>>> 	at net.handle.server.HdlTcpRequestHandler.run(HdlTcpRequestHandler.java:144)
>>> 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
>>> and mirror servers:
>>> "2014-05-16 12:28:10.251-0500" 75 class net.handle.server.HdlTcpRequestHandler: Exception processing request: HandleException (INTERNAL_ERROR) Unknown opCode in message: 0
>>> HandleException (INTERNAL_ERROR) Unknown opCode in message: 0
>>> 	at net.handle.hdllib.Encoder.decodeMessage(Encoder.java:398)
>>> 	at net.handle.server.HdlTcpRequestHandler.run(HdlTcpRequestHandler.java:207)
>>> 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
>>> As I understand, it indicates some sort of communication failure between the primary and mirror servers. What could that be and how can I 
>>> fix this?
>>> Ev

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