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[Handle-info] Standalone Handle Service


I have been trying to set up a standalone handle service for testing purposes.  My employer (GWDG, Goettingen, Germany) has two registered prefixes, but the people responsible for them would prefer that I not use them at this time.

I have been having some difficulty with this.  I have data base entries for handles `0.NA/12345' and `12345/ADMIN'.  I have gotten to the point where my local handle proxy can resolve these handles, however, hdl-list, for example, fails.

It is not clear to me, what data the database entries for the handles are supposed to contain.  In particular, it is not clear to me how the secret/public key pairs privkey.bin/pubkey.bin on the one hand and admpriv.bin/admpub.bin on the other are used.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Laurence Finston

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