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[Handle-info] Version of Library?


I recently posted [1] about a small bug in the AdminRecord. I cited the
library as 6.2.3 which I thought was the current version. But on checking I
find that the latest version is 6.2.5_02. There are two downloads available:

    a) hcj6.tar.gz [2]
    b) hdl6.2.5_02.tar.gz [3]

The first is the client library only - and incompletely versioned in the

I did have a question about versioning in the codebase. The class
net.handle.hdllib.Common has the following:


package net.handle.hdllib;

 * This class holds all of the standard identifiers for the handle
 * library.
public abstract class Common {
  public static String LIB_VERSION = "5.0.0";
  public static String LIB_DATE = "$Date: 2006/09/22 16:37:19 $";
  public static final byte MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
  public static final byte MINOR_VERSION = 2;



What do those version numbers refer to - or did they just get to be out of
sync with the releases?

On a related matter, was there any reason to break out of the *.*.*
numbering system? Why didn't the latest release get to be numbered as 6.2.6
(or 6.2.7 if that matched _02 better)? Is there any change log maintained
anywhere? (Didn't see one.)



Btw, the bug notified in [1] is still present in 6.2.5_02. :)

[1] http://www.handle.net/mail-archive/handle-info/msg00349.html
[2] http://www.handle.net/client_download.html
[3] http://www.handle.net/download.html

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