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Re: [Handle-info] Handle error debugging

Hi Pascal,

That error message usually means that you have another server (probably http) bound to the HTTP port to which the handle server is supposed to listen. Usually that port is 8000. You can usually find the other process that is listening to the port by running the following command:

lsof -P -i TCP:8000

(substituting 8000 with another number if you've overridden the handle server http port)


On Jul 16, 2008, at 7:54 , Pascal Calarco wrote:

Actually, it looks like this is the only handle list out there, so I think I answered my own question. Here goes:

We set up a new handle namespace (2305.1) and have registered it, and have installed and configured the handle server.

We have one error that is still showing up:

class net.handle.server.HdlHttpInterface: Error setting up server socket: java.net.BindException: Address already in use

What did we miss in configuration that is throwing this error, and how do we address it? Many thanks for your responses in advance.

- pascal

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