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[Handle-info] OpenHandle Project: Q & A

Title: OpenHandle Project: Q & A
Hi Eamonn:

Thanks for the questions. Some answers. (I’ve also included a couple of questions for CNRI. :) Bottom line is for interested parties to mail myself (or Chris T.) to get added as a project member and to contribute if you think having structured handle values on the Web is a good thing.




    * OpenHandle Project

    The OpenHandle project is an open-source project hosted on Google Code:


    Anybody interested in contributing - code or documentation - should mail one of the project owners to be added as a project member:


    * OpenHandle Documentation

    Oops! I seem to have dropped a couple links. I’ll try and make this much more explicit by reworking some of the page links, but to get a listing of all the wiki pages see here:


    Or choose the ‘Wiki’ tab. There is already quite a number of pages listed. Feel free to add to the documentation of existing pages or to add new pages. There’s also a ‘To Do List’.    

    * OpenHandle Binaries:

    Basically the OpenHandle application is a Java servlet. The project build is managed by Maven and .jar files are downloaded from a Maven repo. If CNRI were to include the handle client library .jar within a public Maven repo then we could put up the .war file which would then be a drop-in web service.

    Q:  Would CNRI be able to make the HCL .jar available to Maven? Or is there some counterproposal for facilitating project builds?

    * OpenHandle Services

    Currently Nature is hosting a test service for this project at


    There is no commitment (at least at this time anyway) to maintain this service. We do, however, envisage that there would be a number of publicly available OpenHandle services which might be registered. As a registration test we have registered the above service under the handle


    Note that this handle could later be superseded by a more authoritative version which could likewise maintain a directory of public OpenHandle services.

    It would be (more than) interesting (in fact, it would be extremely helpful) if CNRI were to consider running its own OpenHandle service which presumably would carry a better commitment than we can currently pledge. The advantage for CNRI would be twofold:

        a) to provide a web-based gateway to structured handle value data

        b) to guide development of OpenHandle and ensure that it remains faithful to the handle specs

    Q:  Would CNRI be willing to host an OpenHandle service?

    * OpenHandle Writeable

    A proposed extension to OpenHandle to make it writeable would be to have something like a JSON API for web services based admin. See the page here:


    This could form a useful halfway house between the text API for the bundled command line admin tool and native Java code. Both ideas and development needed.


On 1/7/08 18:08, "Eamonn Neylon" <Eamonn.Neylon@bsigroup.com> wrote:


Are there binaries/deployment (or a commitment to maintain a service) for OpenHandle? I've been to the website, but it appears that I will need to build from the source code (possibly no bad thing but I'm lazy: a virtue so I'm told) and there aren't any instructions in the jar (and I'm not sure what the velocity.properties file implies as a requirement). If there are some docs somewhere that I've missed that would be great (or let me know if you want help to write some).

Additionally, do you have any plans to make OpenHandle writeable? Or are you looking for participation to make that happen.

Eamonn Neylon

-----Original Message-----
From: handle-info-admin@cnri.reston.va.us on behalf of Hammond, Tony
Sent: Tue 7/1/2008 5:15 PM
To: handle-info@cnri.reston.va.us
Subject: [Handle-info] Client Handle Demo


This post to CrossTech may be of interest.


    Client Handle Demo

    This test form shows handle value data being processed by _javascript_ in
the browser using an OpenHandle service. This is different from the handle
proxy server which processes the handle data on the server - the data here
is processed by the client.

    Enter a handle and the standard OpenHandle "Hello World" document is
printed. Other processing could equally be applied to the handle values.
(Note that the form may not work in web-based feed readers.)




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