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RE: [Handle-info] Client Handle Demo

Title: RE: [Handle-info] Client Handle Demo


Are there binaries/deployment (or a commitment to maintain a service) for OpenHandle? I've been to the website, but it appears that I will need to build from the source code (possibly no bad thing but I'm lazy: a virtue so I'm told) and there aren't any instructions in the jar (and I'm not sure what the velocity.properties file implies as a requirement). If there are some docs somewhere that I've missed that would be great (or let me know if you want help to write some).

Additionally, do you have any plans to make OpenHandle writeable? Or are you looking for participation to make that happen.

Eamonn Neylon

-----Original Message-----
From: handle-info-admin@cnri.reston.va.us on behalf of Hammond, Tony
Sent: Tue 7/1/2008 5:15 PM
To: handle-info@cnri.reston.va.us
Subject: [Handle-info] Client Handle Demo


This post to CrossTech may be of interest.


    Client Handle Demo

    This test form shows handle value data being processed by _javascript_ in
the browser using an OpenHandle service. This is different from the handle
proxy server which processes the handle data on the server - the data here
is processed by the client.

    Enter a handle and the standard OpenHandle "Hello World" document is
printed. Other processing could equally be applied to the handle values.
(Note that the form may not work in web-based feed readers.)




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