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[Handle-info] Work at CNRI

Hopefully not too off topic, but we're hiring at CNRI and thought this list might be a good place to find someone interested in what we're doing.


Wanted: Research Programmer

Digital Object Architecture and Handle System

The Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) is looking for highly motivated individuals to participate in its Digital Object Architecture and Handle System research efforts.

Employees will be part of a team of research programmers designing and implementing experimental and prototype software in support of an open, distributed network infrastructure. Specific areas of work include information repositories, dynamic naming systems, GRID, intellectual property rights management, mobile agents, and other next- generation Internet technologies.

Developers will be assigned projects based on their respective interests and abilities. They will be encouraged to try out their own solutions to the problems at hand. Creative, novel and independent thinking are desired and expected.

The ideal candidate for a full time position would be a software developer with an undergraduate or graduate degree in computer science. Knowledge of Java, unix, object oriented design/programming and web technology is desired. Knowledge of Internet protocols, Java, Python, C, XML, distributed programming, and security a plus.

More information about us is available from http://www.cnri.reston.va.us/ and http://handle.net/

Location:  Charlottesville, VA
Contact:  hroffice@cnri.reston.va.us

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