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[Handle-info] Service Typing of Handle Values
Hi All:
Sorry to bang on so. Am just slow in figuring things out.
So, I was wondering if with the development of the type registry [1,2] we
are beginning to see the handle system migrate from a data repository to a
service repository.
This from Sean's post [2]
"We are building the ability to select between multiple locators for an
object into the handle proxy (or any handle client, really). To use this
feature you will be able to add a handle value with type "10320/ loc" and
data field with content such as:
<location id=0 href="http://uk.example.com/"; country="gb" weight=0 />
<location id=1 href="http://www1.example.com/"; weight=1 />
<location id=2 href="http://www2.example.com/"; weight=1 />
What this means is that the proxy will be able to deliver a dynamic redirect
service, i.e. a preferred URL based on runtime computable criteria. (Btw, I
really don't understand what "or any handle client, really" means. Seems
like one is assuming mindshare.)
And a service like this is undoubtedly a good thing for many users. As far
as it goes. Because I don't see how it goes any further. Without something
else we've lost access to the data primitives - the URIs in the markup.
Seems that to gain access to those one would need to understand the XML and
to parse the XML client side, or else to call up another proxy service, or
perhaps the primitives could be separately recorded in the handle record
(possible but unlikely).
With access to the data primitives another 3rd-party could make immediate
use of that info and deliver a new service. It would mean, however, having
some idea as to what the semantics of those primitives are.
I'm just trying to get a clearer picture of what is the value proposition of
handle. While there may be no restrictions placed on what can be put in the
handle value (or how it is typed), nevertheless if there is a move towards
allocating service types then there will be a strong interest (temptation,
even?) in using those and there will thus necessarily be a "lock in" to
those services.
So, to put it very crudely I guess my concerns are:
1. "My" data/"Your" services
2. Data/Service hard wiring
which (taking the URL example) leads to the following comparison ('scuse the
1. Data exposed as primitive:
<> h:type "URL"; h:data <http://...> .
2. Data embedded in "opaque" carrier
<> h:type <hdl:10320/loc>; h:data "..."^^rdf_xml:literal .
How can the data uploaded into the HS be reused? And what's the point of
opening up handle (facilitating data access) if the data is just a service
input "blob"? Or, if the data in the HS is generally bound to service type
inputs then what are the reuse prospects for that data?
Hope I'm not being too awkward.
[1] http://www.handle.net/mail-archive/handle-info/msg00303.html
[2] http://www.handle.net/mail-archive/handle-info/msg00276.html
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