Thanks for the follow up and further explanation on types. So, I understand
how a type (identified by a handle) might define a service interface, e.g.
which would effectively class a set of service behaviours. Is that right?
Although I note you use the word "interface".
This is indeed a potential use of handle value type and one that I think
would be useful.
Service behavior, interface, for the purpose of our discussion, they
refer to the same logical concept of a handle value pointing a specific
service with specific set of publicly accessible operations.
So, to consider a concrete example - OpenHandle.
This is an open source project with an API that has a clearly defined set of
semantics. Returns one serialization (of a number of defined serializations)
of the handle value set for a handle.
Any ideas as to how you think this could be configured as a HVT? Under whose
naming authority, etc.? And would it be registered in the type registry? And
what handle values might be incorported into the HVT handle?
There is an instance of a service running at this base URI
although it is not intended that this be the only service - or even the
permanent location. I did toy with the idea previously of having a directory
of registered service endpoints, for experimental purposes registered under
But that was just an early thought. Would be useful to register this service
type with an HVT and from that to be able to locate service instances.