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Re: [Handle-info] Depth of Use
Doing the analysis of what, exactly, you want to identify using
handles is certainly the right question to ask up front. Here are some
thoughts, first responding to your specific thoughts/questions.
Technically, there's no problem with raw numbers. A few million
handles is no problem for a single server and a single handle service,
given enough computing power, can easily manage hundreds of millions
of handles.
The granularity of control, across a couple of dimensions, is at the
individual handle level. TTLs can be set per handle value. The default
is 24 hours but its completely adjustable and the resolution return
values can be flushed from various caches simply by doing an
authoritative query. Ownership is also at the handle level and is
distributed - so control of one or a million handles can be given to a
group without handle server root access or DNS privileges or being
anywhere close to the handle server(s) involved, etc.
So, there is a lot of flexibility in moving the objects around and
changing control, but the flip side is that by assigning a handle to
an object you are, at least implicitly, saying that you are going to
keep it up-to-date. There are no technical constraints and no handle
police, but the intent of the system is to enable object references,
including static references far beyond your control, to persist across
time, including changes in location, organizational control, computing
environments, etc.
are we crazy to be thinking this way, is anyone else doing this or
thinking this way?
I hope you're not crazy, but anyone who manages a very large number of
handles has to approach it systematically. So you have to decide
what's worth managing and then how you're going to keep track of
everything you identify. Publishers generally have some kind of
editorial flow control system or document management system and they
can tack handle management onto that. Some libraries use relational
dbs as backend storage and drive the handle system from that, although
then you're using the db facilities, for better or worse, for managing
the handles instead of the handle admin facilities.
On May 9, 2008, at 12:21 PM, Steve wrote:
A bunch of us have been talking about how deep to use the handle
system. When creating a new web site (or you can update your
existing web site) a handle can be created for every object in that
web site and then all links in your web site will reference the
handle rather the server name. Why would anyone want to do this?
One thought is that maybe changing the URL server name of a handle
will flush faster than making a DNS BIND change, another possible
reason to do it is because one simply doesn't manage DNS and wants
full control.
Take a step back ... WOW that's a lot of handles ... are we crazy to
be thinking this way, is anyone else doing this or thinking this way?
Steve DiSorbo
System Programmer
Yale University ITS, AM&T Library Systems
Voice (203) 432-6694
Fax (203) 436-4067
Handle-Info mailing list
Larry Lannom
Director of Information Management Technology
Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
Suite 100, 1895 Preston White Dr, Reston, VA 20191
email: llannom@cnri.reston.va.us
web: www.cnri.reston.va.us
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