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[Handle-info] HS_VLIST for chaining handles?


Is there any recommended way to chain handles together, i.e. to keep two
handles in lockstep? Would this be an appropriate use of the HS_VLIST
predefined type? 

Let's say, for sake of argument, that hdl:test/2 was being used to extend
hdl:test/1 value space. Would the simple inclusion of a value (say index 42
of hdl:test/2) in hdl:test/1 as e.g. (here using JSON "compact" syntax which
uses the handle URI querystring form to denote a handle value)

            "index" : "123" ,
            "type" : "HS_VLIST" ,
            "data"  : [ hdl:test/2?index=42 ]
            } ,
            "permission" : "1110" ,
            "ttl" : "+86400" ,
            "timestamp" : "Sun Nov 25 13:33:30 GMT 2007" ,
            "reference"  : []

be sufficient to "lock in" hdl:test/2 and so all values from hdl:test/2.

Could this be seen as something like an "include" statement wrt values? I
know that the handle specs make no semantic claims (apart from noting that "
HS_VLIST values may be used to define administrator groups for handles") and
that these are merely a collection of pointers. But could that be a
reasonable interpretation? Sort of like an rdfs:seeAlso property?

(Note: In JSON "full" syntax the data element would be expressed more
uncompactly as something like:

            "data"  : {
                "referenceCount" : "1" ,
                "referenceList" : [
                    { "handle" : "test/2" , "handleValueIndex" : "42" }
            } ,



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