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Re: [Handle-info] Handles: new prefix for new application?

Just a tiny bit of technical background on the information for your benefit in case you would like to explore this more.
The reason you would need to use a different prefix if you want to continue running Dspace is that while the handle server allows for multiple applications to share the same handle server; Dspace does not accomodate for this case. This is due to the fact that Dspace stores the data it creates using the sequential handle numbers that it generates and it does not expect any other clients to create handles in the same service. This means that it could try to overwrite handles you have already created using other applications if a collision arrises. If you wanted to share the same space you could probably introduce some type of token to ensure that all the handles created by Dspace never collide with other handles created by the other application. This will require code modifications on the Dspace end as Jane mentioned and might or might not accommodate for Digitool own expectations for the handle service.
I hope this helps

Henry Jerez
Senior Research Scientist

Corporation for National Research Initiatives



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On Apr 21, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Jane Euler wrote:

You can get a new prefix or use a derived prefix and you will want to use a completely different handle service. In order to use the same prefix(and same handle service) as your Dspace installation you would probably need to do some development(coding) to make it work.

Jane Euler

At 02:07 PM 4/21/2008, Pascal Vincent Calarco wrote:
Hi all --

I suspect I know the answer here, but want to confirm, to be sure. I did not see this answered on the FAQ. If it is there, could someone kindly point me to the answer?

We have an established prefix of 2305 for our DSpace installation. Now we want to use another application, Digitool, to also use handles. Do I need to apply for another completely new prefix, a derived prefix, or can I use the 2305 prefix with this application as well? Thanks much!

- pascal

Pascal V. Calarco, MLIS
Head, Library Systems
University Libraries of Notre Dame/
Michiana Academic Library Consortium
Notre Dame, IN USA 46556-5629 http://www.library.nd.edu/
tel.: 574-631-3409  fax: 574-631-6772

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