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[Handle-info] News from Infoflows






Dear Handle,



We are very pleased to share with you the news Infoflows Corporation today announced its participation in the Technology and Orphan Works: The State of the Art event hosted by the Copyright Office in Washington, DC.   We are also equally pleased that the feedback to the Fedmark Service has been overwhelmingly positive.   


Thanks so much for your support.



Steve Stone

CEO, Infoflows




Orphan Works and Fedmarksm Solutions


In January 2006, the U.S. Copyright Office issued their report on the study of the issues raised by “orphan works” which are copyrighted works “where the owner of a copyrighted work cannot be identified and located by someone who wishes to make use of the work in a manner that requires permission of the copyright owner.”  The report further states that, even where the user has made a reasonably diligent effort to find the owner, if the owner is not found, the user faces the possibility that a copyright owner could bring an infringement ac­tion after that use has begun.


Balancing the rights of content consumers with the rights of content owners is an important issue. Content consumers deserve to have access to digital content while content owners and artists deserve to be rec­ognized and compensated for their work.  At the same time the rapid proliferation of technology has made this balancing of these needs increasingly difficult.


As a result, the US Copyright Office has recommended changes to existing copyright law that in effect would provide some limitations of damages rewards to the content owner if the inadvertent infringer, prior to the commencement of the infringement, performed a good faith, reasonably diligent search to locate the owner of the infringed copyright.    Infoflows believes that the Fedmark Services provides to content users a tool for making a reasonably diligent search to locate the owner.    

How the Fedmarksm Solutions Facilitates Orphan Works Digital Objects


The Fedmarksm Solutions delivers to both content owners and users a solution that enables content users the ability to identify if a digital object is copyrighted and further the ability to identify a potential source for licensing.


Key features of the Fedmarksm Solutions include:


  • For the content owner and distributor - Consistently track and identify digital content on the world­wide internet. This capability allows for the tracking of thousands of digital objects


  • For the content user - Ability to identify if a digital object has been Fedmark’ed as well as the ability to clear rights with participating distributors.








Infoflows Corporation

1903 205th Place NE

Sammamish Washington USA 98074

Tel: 1 425 818 6061   

Email: info@infoflows.com


Copyright 2008 Infoflows Corporation