The only difference is in my browser windows there is not :443 port. When I click on the link, it should work but browser will autohide :443 Kun How is the window location different? Does it work if you click the link in the warning?
Ok. I have it configured. Thanks But now I am getting this error. I guess it’s just annoyance now. It should work without needing to grant SSL exception. Yes. In your server's siteinfo.json, you can add to "attributes" one with "name": "domain" and value the domain you are using to access it. The port should match the one defined under "interfaces".
I am getting this error when landing on our handle web client. Is
there a way to set port and hostname so that this won't be an issue?
Window location does not match server site info https://[server ip
address]8000/admin/; HTTPS errors may result; consider clicking link
in this warning
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