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[Handle-info] FAILURE, "Message came back with different ID"

Hi folks,


I created a batch file to create some handles, structured like this:


CREATE 20.500.12322/adept.kuj:0004.002

2 URL 86400 1110 UTF8 https://radar.auctr.edu/islandora/object/adept.kuj:0004.002


But the batch is failing to process, with the following message(s):


==>FAILURE[3]: create:20.500.12322/adept.kuj:0004.002: Message came back with different ID: 1178943527!=-1


I’m authenticated, I’m able to create handles manually, and I checked and none of the handles already exist.  I also Googled the error “Message came back with different id” but nothing came up.  I’m at a loss.  Halp!


Thanks in advance,


Cliff Landis  (he/him/his)
Digital Initiatives Librarian

Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library

111 James P. Brawley Drive, SW

Atlanta, GA  30314

404-978-2155 (v)




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