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Re: [Handle-info] difference between ChainVerifier and handle's credential verifier
I am not sure I understand your questions, but ChainVerifier is part of the machinery used to validate HS_SIGNATURE values. ChainVerifier validates that the signature of the handle values corresponds to what is recorded under HS_SIGNATURE. It also validates the signing key used to produce the signature. In general, the signing key is part of a chain of keys whereby one key is used to sign the next key in the chain as stated in HS_CERT.
> On May 15, 2019, at 3:08 AM, 张玉良 <zhangyuliang@teleinfo.cn> wrote:
> hi,
> 1 .What are they differences between ChainVerifier and handle's credential verifier in open souce handle system ?
> 2. Why have you used the credential to verify the handle which has not been altered ,but still have used the certChainVerifier?
> thanks!
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