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Re: [Handle-info] Failover handler server
I don't see any straightforward way to do this. Instead of adding one special failover handle server, why not add one normal mirror that actually returns the right information?
> On Jul 16, 2018, at 12:19 PM, Jozef Misutka <misutka@ufal.mff.cuni.cz> wrote:
> Is it possible to configure the handle servers in such a way that there will be one failover handle server which will be contacted *only* if other handle servers are unreachable?
> Currently, if a handle server is down the information returned is of zero value. The failover handle server could return a predefined URL with more information about the handle and e.g., whom to contact.
> (We try to address the "returned information of zero value" issue on the handle server itself where we monitor individual handles and if one is unreachable for a noticeable amount of time we change the URL to our failover one that contains basic information on what to do.)
> Best,
> Jozef
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