Uploading information to this site does not result directly in modifying your prefix. It results in a request being sent to people who maintain the Handle.Net registry. Generally, existing prefixes are not modified unless a prior conversation has occurred about it.
Thank you for your reply.
As following screenshot shows, These are not confidential information, And the others can easily get it. So the prefix information may be modified by uploading sitebndl.zip. <clipboard.png>
All site information is vetted by a human being. Generally we ensure that the site information is expected and comes from the expected email address (unless separate communication is used to set up a different approach).
Hi: When I uploaded sitebndl. Zip, I was only asked to fill out my registration information(Full Name, Email Address,Organization Name and Prefix). How can I ensure that my prefix is not modified by others? Thank you for your time.
Best wishes, zhipeng fan
_______________________________________________Handle-Info mailing listHandle-Info@cnri.reston.va.ushttp://www.handle.net/mailman/listinfo/handle-info