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Re: [Handle-info] Expressing handles as URIs
You are correct that hdl: is not a formally recognized URI scheme, although that hasn’t stopped a fair amount of use of hdl: and doi: over the years. We do not recommend the info-uri scheme, which has been more-or-less deprecated by its originators for some years now. See
Another option is to use an http: or https: URI, like https://hdl.handle.net/NA/XXXXX#FRAGMENT.
As to whether you are better off with hdl: or hdl.handle.net depends on what you are trying to accomplish and we don’t know enough about PREMIS and your particular use case to offer anything too authoritative. The proxy version, hdl.handle.net, is more easily integrated into various applications that are expecting URLs while the hdl: version is cleaner, could be used in dedicated applications without going through the proxy system, but is not officially blessed.
We'd be interested to hear more about what use you are making of #-fragments.
> On Nov 27, 2017, at 12:36 PM, Scott Prater <scott.prater@wisc.edu> wrote:
> What is the best practice to express a handle as a URI? We've been using the convention "hdl:NA/XXXX..." for a while now, but reading through the handle RFCs and past list traffic, it looks like there is not an official "hdl" URI scheme, but that handles could be expressed within the info URI scheme (i.e. "info:hdl/NA/XXXX..."), as the "hdl" namespace is registered in the "info" registry[1].
> We would like to use handles as PREMIS object identifiers, and express fragments as part of an identifier (not necessarily locatable, but that's okay -- these are URIs, not URLs). I'm wondering if this is legal:
> or if this is preferred:
> "info:hdl/NA/XXXXXX#FRAGMENT" (per the info URI schema).
> [1] http://info-uri.info/registry/OAIHandler?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc
> thanks,
> -- Scott
> --
> Scott Prater
> Shared Development Group
> General Library System
> University of Wisconsin - Madison
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