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Re: [Handle-info] How to create a new admin handle without using DBTool

There is a command line script in the distributed software:  bin/hdl-create.

You can also use the batch interface (described in Chapter 4 of the Technical manual) or the REST API, using curl to send commands (described in Chapter 14). I think the src.zip file (also included in the distribution package) has a number of sample scripts you can look at.

-- Scott

On 07/28/2016 08:30 PM, Mrshao wrote:
I want to create an independent handle service, so i according to
the  HN_Tech_Manual_8  in 10.2 chapter , which title is "10.2 Server
Side Configuration".

I have as done the first two steps:  (1)modify the config.dct, and (2)
add the prefix to the handle storage using the "auto_homed_prefixes"
configuration option.  However, I have a problem to the step 3rd, (3)
Create the new admin handle using the DBTool. Because I use the Centos
which  has no GUI, I cannot use the DBTool.

So, I need help, how to create a new admin handle without using DBTool,
is there some shell script examples ?
thanks a lot

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Scott Prater
Shared Development Group
General Library System
University of Wisconsin - Madison

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