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Re: [Handle-info] Editing the base handle
For example
"namespace" = "<namespace><template delimiter='@'><foreach><if value='type' test='equals' expression='URL'><value data='${data}/${extension}' /></if><else><value/></else></foreach></template></namespace>"
This template will modify each URL value by appending "/extension" where "extension" is the part of the handle after the @.
The only trick, to having the namespace in the config.dct, is to use single-quotes instead of double-quotes for the XML attributes, and to omit any newlines.
More information about the template language is in Chapter 11 of the Handle Technical Manual.
> On Apr 21, 2016, at 2:19 PM, Brian Sheppard <brian.sheppard@wisc.edu> wrote:
> Thanks, Robert.
> Can you send or post an example of the "namespace" configuration value, as it appears in the server_config
> stanza?
> -B
>> On April 21, at 11:47 AM, Robert R Tupelo-Schneck <schneck@cnri.reston.va.us> wrote:
>> Indeed, due to the new signing requirements introduced during the recent migration to DONA (dona.net), prefix handles can no longer be generally editable.
>> We can remove the HS_NAMESPACE value from the prefix handle record, and then you can use a "namespace" configuration value in the "server_config" section of config.dct, to the same effect. You will need to restart the server when it is edited. Contact hdladmin@cnri.reston.va.us when you are ready to have the HS_NAMESPACE removed from your prefix handle record.
>> Robert
>>> On Apr 21, 2016, at 12:38 PM, Brian Sheppard <brian.sheppard@wisc.edu> wrote:
>>> We’re trying to test some new templates in our test namespace, according to the Technical Manual (8.1), but it seems we can’t edit the base handle. We have edited it in the past, though, so it appears something has changed.
>>> If editing has been disabled, are templates no longer a feature?
>>> —————————————————————————————
>>> Brian Sheppard
>>> UW Digital Collections Center
>>> brian.sheppard@wisc.edu
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> —————————————————————————————
> Brian Sheppard
> UW Digital Collections Center
> brian.sheppard@wisc.edu
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