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Re: [Handle-info] nagios or other check to test resolvability of handles?
The check incorporates the Handle client library.
I will set in motion the CNRI release process for distributing this. I can not speculate when actual distribution might be possible.
On 2014-12-15, at 06:05 , Robert Verkerk <robert.verkerk@surfsara.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is exactly what we would like to do. We thought ourselves about following test:
> • retrieve ip addresses and ports of 0.NA/<prefix> for one handle
> • loop over all ip addresses and ports and try to resolve: <prefix>/<predefined_handle>
> Can we have the jar file so we could use it ourselves?
> Do we need to run the java jar on a system which has the handle software installed? Or is it independent of some handle library functions?
> We use icinga2, but the basics for nagios and icinga2 are the same. So implementing the check should not be a problem for us once we have the jar file.
> Greetings,
> Robert Verkerk
>> On 12 Dec 2014, at 17:19, Robert R Tupelo-Schneck <schneck@cnri.reston.va.us> wrote:
>> We wrote our own Nagios check to do this. The way we use Nagios is a little unusual... we are letting one Nagios "service" correspond to all sites in a handle service.
>> The Nagios configuration looks like this:
>> define service {
>> name handle-service
>> use local-service
>> host_name HandleSystem
>> retry_interval 2
>> max_check_attempts 5
>> contact_groups handle
>> check_command check_service_handle
>> register 0
>> }
>> define service{
>> use handle-service
>> service_description 0.NA/0.NA
>> }
>> define command {
>> command_name check_service_handle
>> command_line $USER1$/check_service_handle $SERVICEDESC$
>> }
>> And check_service_handle is just a shell script that calls a Java program which does the check:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> /usr/bin/java -jar /usr/local/nagios/libexec/nagios-test-service-plugin.jar "$@"
>> We use the "service_description" to hold a handle. The check-command resolves that handle, finds each site, and calls each port of each server and each site.
>> It is possible that CNRI could share our Java monitoring code. Let me know if you are interested. Meanwhile, the above should get you started if you just want to write your own.
>> Robert
>> On 2014-12-12, at 03:06 , Robert Verkerk <robert.verkerk@surfsara.nl> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have a master handle system with 2 mirrors (1 internal and 1 external). So we have 3 handle instances with TCP and/or UDP and/or http ports.
>>> We have a standard handle, say: <prefix>/HEALTHCHECK
>>> Is there a nagios or other check to test the resolvability of the specified handle via all handle instances and all ports for each instance?
>>> Testing it by hand is very cumbersome and not do-able if you want to test it each day. We have about 20+ prefixes running in 3 master handle instances.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Robert Verkerk
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Robert Verkerk
> systeem programmeur
> Data Services
> SURFsara heeft een nieuw algemeen telefoonnummer: 020 800 1300
> Robert Verkerk
> | Dataservices | SURFsara | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam | T +31 (0)20 8001318 | robert.verkerk@surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl
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