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Re: [Handle-info] setup of a local handle server..
Hi Robert,
We now have the following situation:
homed prefixes: 841 till 849
admin handle for the server in config.dct is 841/ADMIN
If I use the admin handle (841/ADMIN) I am able to add handles using the
hdl-admintool. f.i. 841/test, 842/ADMIN and 843/ADMIN.
But what I want is to add for each prefix a handle with the correct
pubkey and items so each prefix has his own private key to
add/modify/delete new handles for this prefix. This so a prefix can only
create/modify/delete handles for it's own prefix.
If I now authenticate with the private key from 843/ADMIN I am NOT able
to add handles which start with the prefix 843. The <local_ip> is the ip
of the machine where the local handle server is running. The error
message I get is that it states "INVALID ADMIN".
This is my sequence:
sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.5; oc=1; rc=0; snId=0 crt caCrt
noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:42:24 CEST 2014 843/ADMIN [ ] [ ]) to
received HDL-TCP response: version=2.5; oc=1; rc=1; snId=0 crt
caCrt auth noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:42:24 CEST 2014 843/ADMIN
index=100 type=HS_ADMIN rwr- "047300000008302E4E412F3834330000012C"
index=300 type=HS_PUBKEY rwr-
message processed in 13 ms
sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.5; oc=1; rc=0; snId=0 crt caCrt
auth noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:43:49 CEST 2014 843/test [ ] [ ]) to
received HDL-TCP response: Error(100): HANDLE NOT FOUND
message processed in 13 ms
sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.5; oc=400; rc=0; snId=0 crt caCrt
noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:43:58 CEST 2014 /) to <local_ip>:2642
received HDL-TCP response: version=2.5; oc=400; rc=1; snId=5 crt
caCrt auth noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:43:58 CEST 2014
sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.5; oc=100; rc=0; snId=5 caCrt
noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:43:58 CEST 2014 adm 843/test) to
received HDL-TCP response: version=2.5; oc=100; rc=402; snId=5
caCrt auth noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:43:58 CEST 2014
sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.5; oc=200; rc=0; snId=5 caCrt
noAuth expires:Tue Apr 08 00:43:58 CEST 2014 / HS_PUBKEY 300:843/ADMIN)
to <local_ip>:2642
received HDL-TCP response: Error(400): INVALID ADMIN
Robert Verkerk
On 07-04-14 11:24, Robert Verkerk wrote:
Hi Robert,
You were correct! I already used to add the trick to add something in
the handle with the fake index. Than I am able to add new info. But
you have to do it correct at once. if you want to update the handle
this is almost not doable. The fields in the update mode are almost
not readable. (only a few pixels wide)
But I have created the handle "841/ADMIN" and I am able to use it to
authenticate as the user "841/ADMIN" with the adminpriv key. Now I am
able to add new handles once the handle server is started with the
admin user.
Greetings and thanks,
Robert Verkerk
On 04-04-14 17:03, Robert R Tupelo-Schneck wrote:
The hdl-dbtool is old and clunky. I believe there is an issue with
adding handle values such that the right information only gets added
if there is already an existing value. As a workaround, I believe
you can click "Add", creating a handle value with index "-1", then
actually enter the data you want (index 300, type HS_PUBKEY, data
loaded from file), then click "Add" again, then delete the fake value
with index "-1". Let us know if that works for you.
On Apr 4, 2014, at 9:53 AM, Robert Verkerk
<robert.verkerk@surfsara.nl> wrote:
We are installing a new handle server (v7.3.1) with a specific
application which talks to the handle server. To test if the
application works we want to setup a local handle server. The hdl
7.0 (version 1.1) manual status how to do
I am following chapter 10 to setup a local handle server. But I have
no luck with the step at chapter 10.2 step 3.
1> We have homed prefix 0.NA/841using hdl-dbtool.
2> we have created handle 841/ADMIN using hdl-dbtool.
I am unable to add the HS_PUBKEY using the hdl-dbtool to the handle
841/ADMIN using the hdl-dbtool. Is there a specific way to do this?
Or am I missing something?
There must be more people who have done this. Does anybody have some
thoughts about it? Or is there somewhere else a manual with more
info about this setup?
Robert Verkerk
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Robert Verkerk
systeem programmeur
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Robert Verkerk
| Dataservices | SURFsara | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam | T +31 (0)20 8001318 | robert.verkerk@surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl
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