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Re: [Handle-info] Will Java upgrade from Java 6 to Java 7 impact the working of our handle service?
No negative impact. We run our own production servers on a mix of Java 6 and Java 7 environments.
On 2014-02-27, at 05:30 , Berend Dijk <berend.dijk@dayon.nl> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are currently using handle service 7.2.1 on an environment with Java 6. We will upgrade to Java 7. Is there any reason to expect a negative impact on the working of the handle service because of this upgrade or will the handle service work the same within a Java 7 environment compared to Java 6?
> In the documentation that came with the tar of the Handle software only Java 5 is mentioned.
> This might be a very stupid question from a non-techy, but any advice is kindly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Berend Dijk
> Project Manager
> <image001.png>
> Dayon B.V.
> Delftechpark 37b
> 2628 XJ Delft
> T +31 (0)88 26 82 570
> M +31 (0)6 287 59 687
> berend.dijk@dayon.nl
> www.dayon.nl
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