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Re: [Handle-info] 5 minute delay
Is there anything being sent to System.err? I think it's likely that one of the servers is not responding on some of the ports that are advertised. That's usually because of a firewall. Can you set .traceMessages = true for the resolution request? That should send more detailed resolution information to stderr that might help.
On 26 Sep 2013, at 12:27, Hans <hans.van.der.zwet@dayon.nl> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Recently we've seen, on a few occiasions that the following bit of code
> AbstractResponse response = resolver.processRequest(createRequest); ---- ( resolver being a net.handle.hdllib.HandleResolver)
> takes 5 minutes to actually give a response, where it normally (in 99% of the cases) takes 2 seconds or less.
> We've also noticed that there was a time difference between the server where the call was made and the server that our handle-server software was running on...
> My question being this... could this time difference be the reason that the 5 minute delay was occuring ?
> thnx for your time
> Hans van der Zwet
> Software Architect/Developer
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