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RE: [Handle-info] Dspace - Two Instances Migrations

Hi Bram,


Thanks for the reply.


1.       It’s a permanent move

2.       Yes both their own handle servers:  2100 and 10453

3.       It will be shut down, I was planning on bringing the shutdown handle across to the second repo.








From: bluyten@gmail.com [mailto:bluyten@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Bram Luyten
Sent: Friday, 24 August 2012 5:20 PM
To: George Rokkas
Cc: handle-info@cnri.reston.va.us; DSpace Tech
Subject: Re: [Handle-info] Dspace - Two Instances Migrations


Hi George,

a few questions to make sure I totally understand what you're trying to accomplish:
- you're trying to permanently move these items from one DSpace to another, right?
- Are both DSpace installations running their own handle server?
- Do you have any items left in the first repository, after this migration? e.g. will you keep using two handle prefixes in the end situation?

Also copying your email to the DSpace-Tech mailing list. In case you're not subscribed there, you can find the info here:

best regards,

Bram Luyten



Bram Luyten @mire
2888 Loker Avenue East, Suite 305, Carlsbad, CA. 92010
Esperantolaan 4, Heverlee 3001, Belgium

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 4:44 AM, George Rokkas <George.Rokkas@uts.edu.au> wrote:

Hey All,


I’m new around here. I’m George and I’m the systems architect at University of Technology, Sydney Library.


We currently have two Dspace instances running side by side and we want to bring 900 items from instance1 to instance 2. We’ve managed to work out how to do this via AIP export and import which assigns each item with a new handle. What I’m trying to find out is that if an item had the handle /2100/803 and now has /10453/17883. Can I get the original handle to redirect to the new one without having to do a redirect at the web server level.


I’m really appreciative of any help I could get.


Thank You


George Rokkas



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