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Re: [Handle-info] Java Client in DMZ (HandleResolver.java)
"Unknown opCode in message: 0" sounds like a response has been sent instead of a request. How is the "req" object constructed?
What you're doing should work. I would recommend to use a higher-level method, though, as then you can take advantage of sessions for faster processing. "sendRequestToSite" would be my preference. You can get a SiteInfo, for example, from the siteinfo.bin in your handle server directory:
SiteInfo site = new SiteInfo();
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("/path/to/siteinfo.bin");
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte buf[] = new byte[2048];
int r;
while((r=fin.read(buf))>=0) bout.write(buf, 0, r);
Encoder.decodeSiteInfoRecord(bout.toByteArray(), 0, site);
"sendRequestToServerByProtocol" would also serve.
On 2012-07-12, at 04:35 , Damian Ulbricht wrote:
> Hi,
> currently I have a Handle-Server and a Java-Web-Application in the DMZ of our institution. The Web-Application will be used for Handle-Registration.
> I wonder if there is a way to tell the HandleResolver-class to communicate only with our Handleserver. Or - is there a list of internet-hosts and -ports a handle-client must be able to talk to?
> Simply replacing
> HandleResolver.processRequest(req)
> with
> HandleResolver.sendHdlTcpRequest(req,InetAddress.getByName("srvnName"),2641)
> does not work and throws a HandleException with code "1" and message "Unknown opCode in message: 0"
> Best Regards
> Damian
> --
> Damian Ulbricht
> Centre for GeoInformation Technology
> Phone: +49 331 288-2392
> Fax: +49 331 288-1703
> ------------------------------------------
> Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
> GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences
> Public Law Foundation State of Brandenburg
> Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
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