This sounds interesting. Would you mind putting it up somewhere?
GitHub, perhaps?
On 30.03.2012 15:49, Nathan Stevens wrote:
At NYU we developed a REST interface to our handle servers
(allows creation, running audits etc) which can easily be used,
in conjunction with a perl script/curl to print out the
information you need. If you are interested let me know and I
can send you the code.
On Mar 29, 2012, at 12:01 PM, Sean Reilly wrote:
Hi Tim,
There is no batch-query mechanism in the handle server,
but requesting each individual handle should be a
relatively lightweight operation. I assume you'd want to
take some action that was different depending upon the
current value(s) in the handle, if it existed, so perhaps
using a python script would be a more flexible way to
create your handles?
I've attached a script that might work, but I've only
written it from scratch so there are probably some bugs,
but it might give an idea for how a batch-updater might
On 28 Mar 2012, at 15:13, Tim Donnelly wrote:
Is there a way to batch query
I need to change the URL of
several thousand handles, but can’t be sure that the URL
format is consistent across the entire range.
For example:
10176/cogru:1000 currently has a
URL of
I need to change it to:
I can, and have, done this in the
past using a batch MODIFY but then I was sure that the
original URL was the same for all records. This time I
can’t be sure.
I have a list of all the handles
generated from the Server Admin menu, but that doesn’t
provide any associated handle data. And I obviously
don’t want to query each handle individually so is there
some way I can generate a list of all the handles with
Tim Donnelly
System/Network Administrator
Colorado Alliance of Research
(303)759-3399 x106
P No trees were killed in the
sending of this message, but a large number of electrons
were terribly inconvenienced.
Nathan Stevens
Digital Library Technology Services
New York University
Ing. Ivan Masár
Oddělení informačních technologií
Phone: +420 57 603 4817
Fax: +420 57 603 4911
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
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Czech Republic