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Re: [Handle-info] Batch query handles?
Hello, Nathan
This sounds like something we might make use of at Wisconsin. I'd be interested to see the the code, hear more, etc.
On March 30, at 8:49 AM, Nathan Stevens wrote:
> Hi,
> At NYU we developed a REST interface to our handle servers (allows creation, running audits etc) which can easily be used, in conjunction with a perl script/curl to print out the information you need. If you are interested let me know and I can send you the code.
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 12:01 PM, Sean Reilly wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> There is no batch-query mechanism in the handle server, but requesting each individual handle should be a relatively lightweight operation. I assume you'd want to take some action that was different depending upon the current value(s) in the handle, if it existed, so perhaps using a python script would be a more flexible way to create your handles?
>> I've attached a script that might work, but I've only written it from scratch so there are probably some bugs, but it might give an idea for how a batch-updater might work.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
>> <update_handles.sh>
>> On 28 Mar 2012, at 15:13, Tim Donnelly wrote:
>>> Is there a way to batch query handles?
>>> I need to change the URL of several thousand handles, but can’t be sure that the URL format is consistent across the entire range.
>>> For example:
>>> 10176/cogru:1000 currently has a URL of http://adr.coalliance.org/adrlib/lookup?cogru:1000
>>> I need to change it to:
>>> http://digitalunc.coalliance.org/fedora/repository/cogru:1000
>>> I can, and have, done this in the past using a batch MODIFY but then I was sure that the original URL was the same for all records. This time I can’t be sure.
>>> I have a list of all the handles generated from the Server Admin menu, but that doesn’t provide any associated handle data. And I obviously don’t want to query each handle individually so is there some way I can generate a list of all the handles with URLs?
>>> Thanks
>>> Tim Donnelly
>>> System/Network Administrator
>>> Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
>>> (303)759-3399 x106
>>> P No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
> Nathan Stevens
> Programmer/Analyst
> Digital Library Technology Services
> New York University
> 1212-998-2653
> ns96@nyu.edu
Brian Sheppard
University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center
bsheppard@library.wisc.edu (608) 262-3349
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