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RE: [Handle-info] Unable to home a primary (v7.0)
Hi Jane,
Yes, I copied the whole directory structure (everything under /hs) from the server to the host where I run the admin utility.
I select the correct private admin key -- as proof, only the correct password works (different for all keys).
I used the IP-address option to connect to the server.
Although I turned on access logging, I see no log lines for this homing attempt.
What can I put in config.dct to get more verbose logging on the server?
Regards, Markus.
From: handle-info-admin@cnri.reston.va.us [handle-info-admin@cnri.reston.va.us] on behalf of Jane Euler [jeuler@cnri.reston.va.us]
Sent: 22 November 2011 15:06
To: handle-info@cnri.reston.va.us
Subject: Re: [Handle-info] Unable to home a primary (v7.0)
Homing is a server side function and permission comes from the
config.dct in the server_admin handle. Does this match what you are
using for authentication?
On 11/22/2011 7:34 AM, Markus van Dijk wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am an experienced UNIX user but new to the handle system and started at the deep end by bringing up a local handle primary (v7.0) for a new prefix.
> Following the INSTALL.txt closely, everything went well up to the point where I "home" the server for the prefix.
> The error that keeps occurring is:
> received HDL-TCP response: Error(400): INVALID ADMIN
> but I am quite sure I use the correct admpriv.bin file and password.
> I do see the error log from the client (hdl-admintool) but I cannot find any log lines from the server. How do I make the server more verbose?
> Before I post logs and screenshots, I would like to know if anyone else had encountered a similar problem.
> Is there a non-GUI (command-line) tool to home a server?
> Any help is appreciated, including hints on how to proceed.
> Minor detail: I run hdl-admintool on a different host because X11 is not installed on the server -- should not be a problem.
> Another detail: I use openjdk's Java on the server -- should not be a problem.
> Regards, Markus.
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