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RE: [Handle-info] Authenticate in a batch file for CLI use

Thanks Robert,

Adding the pipe did work for the AUTHENTICATION block.  However it
didn't seem to help for the "inline" method.  Is there a way to make
that work?  I think that would be the best solution for us, but if not,
we can work with the AUTHENTICATION block.

An upgrade to Ver. 7 is on the map, but right now we are doing major
changes in other area and since Handles works, it's a case of "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it".

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Tupelo-Schneck [mailto:schneck@cnri.reston.va.us] 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 3:22 PM
To: Tim Donnelly
Cc: handle-info@cnri.reston.va.us
Subject: Re: [Handle-info] Authenticate in a batch file for CLI use

I believe the Version 6 distribution has a bug where a closing pipe
character is required on the authentication line in the absence of a


I also believe that this bug has been fixed in Version 7.  If not,
please let us know.


On 2011-02-10, at 16:02, Tim Donnelly wrote:

> I am trying to figure out how to run batch files from the command
line.  I can run the from the GUI just fine, but we are looking for a
way to script batch file processing.
> So far I have tried the following methods:
> CREATE 10176/test0001
> 100 HS_ADMIN 86400 1110 ADMIN 300:111111111111:0.NA/10176
> 300 HS_PUBKEY 86400 1110 FILE /usr/local/hs/damocles/admpriv.bin
> 1 URL 86400 1110 UTF8 http://www.coalliance.org
> And
> /usr/local/hs/damocles/admpriv.bin
> CREATE 10176/test0001
> 100 HS_ADMIN 86400 1110 ADMIN 300:111111111111:0.NA/10176
> 1 URL 86400 1110 UTF8 http://www.coalliance.org
> Both give me something like:
> Batch(authtest2.txt) process started ...
> Batch process prints log on stdout ...
> Start Time: Thu Feb 10 14:01:12 MST 2011
>   sending HDL-UDP request (version=2.1; oc=1; rc=0; snId=0 caCrt
noAuth 0.NA/10176 [HS_SITE, HS_SERV, HS_NAMESPACE, ] [ ]) to
>   sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.2; oc=400; rc=0; snId=0 crt caCrt
noAuth adm /) to
>     received HDL-TCP response: version=2.2; oc=400; rc=1; snId=2095
crt caCrt noAuth
>   sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.1; oc=100; rc=0; snId=2095 caCrt
encrypt noAuth adm 10176/test0001) to
>   sending HDL-HTTP request (version=2.1; oc=100; rc=0; snId=2095 caCrt
encrypt noAuth adm 10176/test0001) to
> ==>FAILURE[5]: create:10176/test0001: No authentication info provided
>   sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.1; oc=100; rc=0; snId=2095 caCrt
encrypt noAuth adm 10176/test0002) to
>   sending HDL-HTTP request (version=2.1; oc=100; rc=0; snId=2095 caCrt
encrypt noAuth adm 10176/test0002) to
> ==>FAILURE[9]: create:10176/test0002: No authentication info provided
> Successes/Total Entries: 0/2
> Batch File Lines: 9
> Finish Time: Thu Feb 10 14:01:13 MST 2011
> This batch took 1 seconds to complete at an average speed of
1.7714791851195748 operations/second
> Batch process finished
> I have confirmed that the path to the admpriv.bin file is correct, at
least that is the file that is used when I authenticate via the GUI.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks
> Tim Donnelly
> System/Network Administrator
> Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries

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