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Re: [Handle-info] Stamping out UDP [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
This is not your *server* using UDP, but the GenericBatch *client*. I'm afraid that there is no built-in batch command for restricting UDP resolution. The Java API makes this easy if you are willing to create your own client or modify Handle code.
An easier solution to your problem could be to configure your handle clients to automatically talk to the local server, instead of verifying with Global that your server is responsible for your prefix. This is done using the "resolver_site" and "local_nas" files, as detailed in the Handle Technical Manual.
On 2010-08-30, at 23:37, Chadwick, Philip wrote:
> Hi,
> In config.dct, I have:
> "no_udp_resolution" = "yes"
> This does not stop the local handle server contacting global handle
> servers to query the naming authority using UDP, e.g.
> $ echo "DELETE 10717/invalidhandle\n" >batch.16279
> $ java net.handle.apps.batch.GenericBatch batch.16279 log.16279
> Batch(batch.16279) process started ...
> sending HDL-UDP request (version=2.2; oc=1; rc=0; snId=0 caCrt noAuth
> expires:Wed Sep 01 01:22:08 EST 2010 0.NA/10717 [HS_SITE, HS_SERV,
> HS_NAMESPACE, ] [ ]) to
> It contacts 4 external handle servers each of 3 times with UDP packets
> that will never escape our firewall.
> Then it sends HDL-TCP request, and gets a response which causes it to
> talk to itself.
> Is there any way of stopping the handle server from using UDP
> completely?
> [I tried removing all reference to UDP in config.dct, to no avail.]
> Thanks,
> --
> Phil
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