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Re: [Handle-info] Media Fragments
I wrote incorrectly. As I should have recalled, what happens to a #-fragment on URI redirection depends on the client. Firefox, Chrome, and Opera will forward the #-fragment as desired; Safari and Internet Explorer will not. It never actually reaches the hdl.handle.net proxy in any case.
This will work at the server end (i.e. with any client): http://hdl.handle.net/12345/1?urlappend=%23t=60,100 ... %23 being the percent-encoding of #, which is required to have it reach the server. Not nearly as pretty.
Template handles might be a more pleasing way to handle this. This is a new feature in the coming HS7.0 server code, with documentation also coming.
On 2010-02-22, at 17:05, Robert Tupelo-Schneck wrote:
> Although I know virtually nothing about media fragments, I can tell you this: The web-to-handle proxy hdl.handle.net will append any #fragment to the URI obtained by resolving a handle. So for instances if handle 12345/1 resolves to the primary resource http://www.example.org/video.ogv, then http://hdl.handle.net/12345/1#t=60,100 will redirect to the URI fragment http://www.example.org/video.ogv#t=60,100, which is probably exactly what you want to happen.
> It is also possible to set up your handles with a template so that there are bona fide handles resolving to various fragments; e.g. the handle "12345/1(60-100)" could resolve to http://www.example.org/video.ogv#t=60,100 (and similarly for other handles like "12345/1(x-y)").
> Best,
> Robert
> On 2010-02-22, at 16:38, Tom Sparks wrote:
>> Could the handler system support media fragments[1]?
>> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-media-frags-20091217/
>> tom_a_sparks
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