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Re: [Handle-info] Windows system requirements

hi S:

only, i want to comment that the installation is different if you're using the server handle with DSpace.
If so, I think that is better to  follow the installation instructions there are  for DSpace to handle server, you can use the scripts for this depending on the version, and that automate the process.


Susan Emson escribió:
Hello all
I'm new to the list and still very new to the HANDLE system.
I've been going through the documentation, but cannot find any real guidance about actual system requirements for installation of the software and client.  We will probably be installing on Windows. 
Could someone please provide information on the minimum system requirements and configuration (eg. software dependencies) for installing a HANDLE server on Windows and for installing a Java client on a network PC (so I can administer the server from my desk)?  Or else, please tell me where to find that information in the documentation.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Susan Emson
Digital Archive Manager
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Lawson Crescent
(p) 02 6261 4266
(f)  02 6261 4287