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[Handle-info] Re: updating resolver cache


Sorry, I should have added some context to this. We won't know whether a handle value will be frequently changed, however if it is we want to avoid a situation where, for example, someone moves their research paper, updates their handle and the change isn't reflected in the proxy resolution quickly and leads to "handle not found" errors. I could lower the TTL for all handle values to a low value but a) is that a sensible approach given that I imagine most handles won't change frequently and b) what other options do I have to "force" an update in the global proxy.

Scott Yeadon wrote:

If we are relying on the CNRI handle proxy service for resolution, according to the docs the proxy cache could take up to 24 hours to update in the event of a change to any of the handle values. Is there anything we can do to ensure the proxy pointed to the right resource after an update? For example, (at a clumsy level) if after an update in our LHS we posted a http resolution request to the proxy using the "auth=x" parameter I assume that would update the cache in one of the resolution servers, but would the results of that request be propogated to the other servers which make up the proxy service? If not, is there a way of ensuring accurate resolution after an update (programmatically, e.g. using the handle API)?


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