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[Handle-info] AdminRecord.toString() Discrepancy?


In playing with the JavaScript library (and clients based on that) I noted a
discrepancy in the HCL (6.2.3). The toString() method in the AdminRecord
class (listed at end of this mail) seems to be shortchanging on the number
of admin permissions. Specifically, DELETE_NAMING_AUTH, MODIFY_VALUE, and
REMOVE_VALUE don't seem to be reported. (Only 9 of the 12 permissions are
added to the string.)

I couldn't understand why the OpenHandle clients were out of sync with the
web form.

=== hdl.handle.net ===

Handle Values for: 10.1000/1
Index    Type    Timestamp    Data
100    HS_ADMIN    Thu Apr 13 2000 11:08:57 EDT     handle=0.NA/10.1000;
index=200; [create hdl,delete hdl,create NA,add val,read val,modify val,del
admin,add admin]
1    URL    Fri Sep 10 2004 15:49:59 EDT     http://www.doi.org/index.html

=== OpenHandle: Handle Client #1 ===

The handle <hdl:10.1000/1> has 2 values:

value #1:
  index = 100
  type = HS_ADMIN
  data = {...}
  permission = adminRead, adminWrite, publicRead
  ttl = relative, 24h
  timestamp = Thu, 13 Apr 2000 15:08:57 GMT
  reference = []

  (100, HS_ADMIN = hdl:0.NA/10.1000?index=200 [ readValue, addNa,
deleteHandle, addAdmin, removeValue, deleteNa, addValue, addHandle,
removeAdmin, modifyValue, modifyAdmin ] )

value #2:
  index = 1
  type = URL
  data = http://www.doi.org/index.html
  permission = adminRead, adminWrite, publicRead
  ttl = relative, 24h
  timestamp = Fri, 10 Sep 2004 19:49:59 GMT
  reference = []

  (1, URL = http://www.doi.org/index.html)


Probably not the place to ask this, but is there any reason why the web form
does not support GET as well as POST? (I seem to recall that this may have
something to do with dispatching on the GET which is certainly a shame since
there is no way of building a link to a query - only to the form itself.)




  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20);
    sb.append("; index=");
    sb.append("; [");
    int len = sb.length();
    if (perms[ADD_HANDLE])
      sb.append("create hdl,");
    if (perms[DELETE_HANDLE])
      sb.append("delete hdl,");
    if (perms[ADD_NAMING_AUTH])
      sb.append("create NA,");
    if (perms[ADD_VALUE])
      sb.append("add val,");
    if (perms[READ_VALUE])
      sb.append("read val,");
    if (perms[MODIFY_ADMIN])
      sb.append("modify val,");
    if (perms[REMOVE_ADMIN])
      sb.append("del admin,");
    if (perms[ADD_ADMIN])
      sb.append("add admin,");
    if (perms[LIST_HANDLES])
    if (len != sb.length())
    return sb.toString();

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