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Re: [Handle-info] Look Ma, No Plugins!

Hi Sean:

Yes, I agree that a native JavaScript port would be ideal. Especially in
these times of rampant JS development with V8, TraceMonkey, SquirrelFish
Extreme, etc. promising near native code performance. (And mindful also of
the fact that JS is *the* Web language with support in all browsers.) I'm
not sure though that JS does support sockets. Googling around I found a
couple recent links to Flash [1] and AIR [2] based solutions. Not quite the
ticket but maybe something worth looking into?

And yes, this JavaScript module "openhandle.js" relies on an OpenHandle
service (and so, it is subject to scaling issues as you mention). However,
the huge advantage of being able to field and interact with Handle values as
"open" Web-based objects cannot be underestimated. And it allows Handle to
be fully engaged by the Web. I am hoping that this can only act as a
stimulus to apps using Handle more productively and for more interesting and
creative data storage and delivery solutions than has hitherto been the



Btw, I just fixed a minor bug that was preventing the cards in the Inspector
app to be stacked correctly. (Now tested on IE7, Chrome, FF2/3, Opera,

There are some outstanding issues, e.g. error handling in the app. Also the
treatment of dates in the JavaScript module is a bit rough and ready - needs
to be addressed on the server side. (We exposed timestamps using the HCL
getTimeStampAsDate() method which uses the java.util.Date class. 'Nuff said.
Will expose later as integers and/or RFC822/ISO8601 objects.)

[1] jSocket, javascript with socket connectivity (May 8, 2008)

[2] Communicate Using a Socket with JavaScript (August 28, 2008)

On 22/9/08 20:01, "Sean Reilly" <sreilly@cnri.reston.va.us> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> Does your javascript library actually speak the handle protocol or
> does it require an openhandle service?  If the latter I would think
> that such a service would eventually have the same scaling issues the
> hdl.handle.net and dx.doi.org proxy services.  A full port of the HCL,
> or at least the resolution parts, to javascript would mean that the
> handles could be resolved natively from web browsers without requiring
> any centralized service and therefore in a more scalable, reliable
> way.  Of course it could fall back to openhandle or even a simple
> redirect to the handle proxy if native resolution wasn't possible.
> Would you happen to know if it is possible to write a full handle
> client using javascript?  Is javascript permitted to perform HTTP
> queries (or even better, use TCP or UDP) to hosts other than the one
> from which it came?  I would think that a real native handle client,
> that speaks the handle protocol, in javascript could be incredibly
> useful.  If the network connection restrictions mentioned above aren't
> an issue then I would love to work on something like this.
> Thanks,
> Sean
> On Sep 22, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Hammond, Tony wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Just posted this entry to CrossTech about JavaScript port of (part
>> of) the
>> (Java) HCL library.
>> September 22, 2008
>> Look Ma, No Plugins!
>> http://www.crossref.org/CrossTech/2008/09/look_ma_no_plugins.html
>> (The app mentioned at end of post is kind of fun.)
>> Tony

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