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[Handle-info] Look Ma, No Plugins!
Just posted this entry to CrossTech about JavaScript port of (part of) the
(Java) HCL library.
September 22, 2008
Look Ma, No Plugins!
(The app mentioned at end of post is kind of fun.)
var f = function (OpenHandleJson) {
h = new OpenHandle(OpenHandleJson);
hv = h.getHandleValues();
for (i = 0; i < hv.length; i++) {
v = new HandleValue(hv[i]);
if (v.hasType('URL')) {
else if (v.hasType('HS_ADMIN')) {
var a = new AdminRecord(v.getData());
"And that, gentlemen, is how we do that." - Apollo 13
Following on from my earlier Client Handle Demo [1] post, this entry is just
to mention the availability of a port of (part of) the Handle client library
(in Java) to JavaScript: openhandle-0.1.1.js [2] which is being maintained
on the OpenHandle [3] site. The JavaScript module contains methods for three
classes: OpenHandle, HandleValue and AdminRecord.
What does all that mean? It means that Handles and their constituent values
and value fields can be accessed directly within any Web browser (using an
OpenHandle service) which allows a dynamic Handle client to be generated and
presented within a user context. No plugins required. The port mirrors the
class methods in the standard Java client library for Handle.
As a demo of this JavaScript module in action, see this Inspector [4] app
for a card index view of Handle (and by implication DOI) records.
[1] http://www.crossref.org/CrossTech/2008/07/client_handle_demo.html
[2] http://openhandle.googlecode.com/files/openhandle-0.1.1.js
[3] http://openhandle.googlecode.com/
[4] http://nurture.nature.com/openhandle/inspect.html
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