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Re: [Handle-info] Handle Namespace Registration Info

Hi Larry:

Thanks for info in previous reply.

> There are date created and date last modified time stamps (I'll have
> to let someone provide the details) but neither of those is
> necessarily the date that the namespace was initially allocated. That
> would have to be an explicit addition to the namespace values. Doesn't
> sound like a bad idea. What would you see as the advantages of adding
> it?

Isn't the advantage one of public accountability to explicitly say when a
namespace was registered and when it will expire, i.e. is it currently being
actively maintained. Since handle namespaces are not recycled the HS could
continue to serve up data against any registered handle, but one has no idea
if that handle is currently managed or is now deceased. What can one
reasonably say about handle shelflife: data mart or mortuary?


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