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Re: [Handle-info] Problems authenticating

Every time you run the SimpleSetup and change the server information(ip address, ports or keys) then you need to send CNRI the generated sitebndl file so we can update your prefix in the Global Registry.
Let's start there.. Send the latest sitebnld file and I will update prefix 10020 in the Global Registry.


At 05:22 PM 5/6/2008, Laney McGlohon wrote:
I'm installing a handle server on a Sun server (solaris 10).

I have java version "1.4.2_13" and have configured my system with passphrases. I have my prefix from CNRI and edited my config.dct file as per the install.txt file.

I can start up the handle server:

UDP handle Request Listener:
   address: /
      port: 2641
Starting UDP request handlers: .TCP handle Request Listener:
   address: /
      port: 2641
Starting TCP request handlers: .HTTP handle Request Listener:
   address: /
      port: 8000
Starting HTTP request handlers: ...............

and can connect to it via http.

I can start up the HandleTool gui, but I cannot get the Tool to authenticate to the server.

My ID Handle is set to 0.NA/10020
My ID Index is set to 300
My private key file is set to /<full path>/admpriv.bin

but the admin tool fails to authenticate, and logs:
sending HDL-TCP request (version=2.1; oc=1; rc=0; snId=0 crt caCrt noAuth expires:Wed May 07 01:52:17 PDT 2008 0.NA/10020 [ ] [300, ]) to
received HDL-TCP response: version=2.1; oc=1; rc=1; snId=0 crt caCrt noAuth expires:Wed May 07 01:53:23 PDT 2008 0.NA/10020 index=300 type=HS_PUBKEY rwr- "[snip key]"

I have re-run the SimpleSetup several times and still have the same problem. It seems as if the passphrase is being accepted but I can't figure out what the problem is...

Can anyone help?


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