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Re: [Handle-info] Re: indirect handles actually implemented?
Hi Christophe:
> The use of OpenURL will be especially valuable as a generic syntax for
> expressing queries to handles
> that have handle types registered in the handle type registry that we
> are in the process of developing
> at the moment.
Is there (or will there be) any means of querying for a list of registered
handle types? As I understand from the Tech Manual (v6.2) the following
non-admin types are currently defined:
Of course, one does wonder where (or if) application specific types will be
registered, e.g. the DOI app which uses this control type regularly:
* 700050
and a few sundry types for the multiple resolution pilot.
Also, will the type registry contain any machine readable information.
Currently the registered types seem to have HS_ADMIN and DESC fields, and
the URL type has a URL field referencing an XML document:
Would be great to also see a pointer to some RDF, otherwise it's just
another markup document.
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