Community Software

The following is a list tools and projects that have come out of the handle developer community. We welcome suggested additions to this list. While CNRI is not in any way responsible for these packages and projects, we believe that they will be of interest and use* to users and developers.


Python Library for Interaction with Handle Servers

B2HANDLE ( is a generic Python library for interaction with Handle System® servers developed within the EU project EUDAT for anyone developing Python-based tools or services. It requires HN_v8.1. The source code is freely available from GitHub at the URL above under an Apache 2 license. The documentation is currently hosted as GitHub pages ( The features of the library include interaction with the HS REST API for create, read, update and delete actions of Handles; management of 10320/loc entries; multiple authentication options, including secret key and certificate-based authentication; and optional support for local Handle server searching using an additional Java servlet. It will be uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI) so it can be easily installed via pip.


Red Hat init.d Script for Handle Servers

handle-startup-script ( is a Red Hat start-up script for the Handle server. The script is heavily influenced by Debian init.d script in DataCite's scripts repository.


Code Examples for the Handle Server HTTP REST API, in Python and .NET

handleserver-samples ( is a repository that contains samples for Python which show how to work with DSA keys, and session vs. no session communication. The samples have also been converted in to C#.NET.


GURL Web Proxy Filter

GURL Web Proxy Filter ( is an add-on to the Handle.Net Proxy Servlet, which can be added to a local installation of the proxy servlet. The add-on processes the handle value type GURL, devised by handle users at the University of Wisconsin. GURL allows templated redirection: the handle record contains a URL with unfilled parameters, which will be filled according to the query parameters in the link to the proxy.


*Community Software is an information resource for the Handle System user community and is hosted by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). Information contained in or accessible from this site may be subject to copyright, patent and other proprietary rights. By accessing the information resources at this site, you will be deemed to have read and agreed to the terms and conditions set forth below.

Information made available by CNRI at this Community Software site is based on its apparent relevance to Handle System research, development and use; however, CNRI does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of these materials. This information is made available on an "AS IS" basis. CNRI makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and shall not be liable to users of this Community Software site or third parties having access thereto for any incidental, special, or consequential damages or loss, even if advised of the possibility thereof.

May 24, 2017